Cleft of the Rock Lighthouse

The Cleft of the Rock Lighthouse is located about 2 miles south of Yachats. It is privately owned and was built in 1976 by James A. Gibbs who who used to be a Tillamook Rock Lighthouse attendant.
The Cleft of the Rock Light was modeled after the Fiddle Reef Lighthouse which is located in Oak Bay, British Columbia, Canada.
The Cleft of the Rock Lighthouse was built with many historical items: stair railing from the original keeper's dwelling at Yaquina Head Light, stopwatch from Desdemona Sands Light, brass oil can from Tillamook Rock Lighthouse and another oil can from Heceta Head Lighthouse.
The Coast Guard made it an official navigational marker in 1979. The lighthouse is part of James A. Gibbs' home, and the grounds and tower are closed to the public.
Although, the Cleft of the Rock Lighthouse is privately owned and not open to the public, you can see the lighthouse from Highway 101 near mile marker 166 on the northwest corner of the Cape Perpetua National Scenic Area.
Interesting note: The Cleft of the Rock Lighthouse is named after a Christian hymn called He Hideth My Soul in the Cleft of the Rock.