Oregon Coast Bike Route
The Oregon Coast Bike Route follows Highway 101 along the Oregon Coast and is very popular among biking entusiasts.
The bike route is about 370 miles and if you plan to bike the entire route, expect to spend 6 to 8 days.
The Oregon Department of Transportation strongly recommends that you cycle from north to south because of the winds that blow from the northwest.

Before going on your Oregon Coast Bike Route journey, we recommend that you download the Oregon Coast Bike Route Map and purchase Bicycling The Pacific Coast book.
Bicycling The Pacific Coast
Everything you need to know about each day's ride is included: from tunnel-riding strategies, to where to buy a new derailer; from one-of-a-kind museums along the way, to side trips to lonely lighthouses and towering sand dunes. New to this edition is a quick-glance Table of Essentials for each daily itinerary, listing availability of bike shops, beach access, hiking trails, youth hostels, and activities.